There are universal things in life that people seem to enjoy, especially when bored. There are the good ol' internet quizzes that test your intelligence, and your vision or help you discover what type of food you are.
And there's trying to beat the clock in some pointless challenge that really won't serve any purpose in life.
Thankfully, there's a new TikTok Spacebar Challenge that has taken over the social media site, and it is the best of both of those worlds.
Playing along, you get to test your skills against a clock and quiz yourself to see if you're as good as everyone else seems to be. Check your spacebar speed using this site Spacebar Click Test.
It seems like every week there's a new challenge on TikTok and that's what makes it so fun to endlessly scroll.
This week, we're seeing the spacebar challenge which sounds just as it is.
People are recording themselves doing an internet quiz that counts how many times someone can hit their computer's spacebar in 30 seconds.
Depending on the quiz taken, some try to hit the spacebar 300 times within 30 seconds or 225 times in the same amount of time.
Looking at the tag for the spacebar challenge and it's clear that this one has gone viral with over 4.8 million views of the videos with the tag.
TikTok users record themselves taking the challenge, or others record themselves watching others take the TikTok spacebar challenge.
Some are increasing the challenge by using multiple keyboards and screens at once.
The majority of users are choosing to have their videos accompanied by music, while some just choose the sound of their keyboard as the backdrop.
These challenges are addictive to watch if you're a competitive person because you get a huge desire to want to one-up a famous TikTok personality. And that's exactly what people are trying to do.
This shouldn’t even be a heading and there should be no writing on how to do this challenge. It’s not rocket science.
Hell, it’s not even a science. you just are required to press a button and that’s all.
But there are some things you could look into to press the button more times than your friends and TikTokers and here it goes:
When you do this challenge on one of these sites, take a video from your phone and upload that on TikTok or Instagram, or anywhere.
That's the idea. Press the spacebar repeatedly. That’s all. Go ahead and try it for yourself.
You may try the challenge yourself by visiting one of the numerous websites. We've seen a few different sites utilized in TikTok videos, and each one has a somewhat different counter.
On their quiz site, features a game with a custom second timer to hit the spacebar 300 times in that period.
A spacebar counter is available in any browser, but this one does not have a time restriction and will count endlessly.
You must go to one of these websites on your computer and film a TikTok video of yourself doing the spacebar challenge with your phone.
If you take the quiz yourself, you'll notice that it's not quite as easy to hit the number amount as you might think.
Some TikTok users share their tips for getting more clicks out of their fingers within the time frame.
Some power through with two fingers, but the most skilled can use all five fingers to click one at a time in rapid succession.
All you need is a computer or a keyboard to play this game. The basic idea is that you press your spacebar once, and that is all.
The person who presses the most spacebar in a minute wins.
After coming to the page, simply press the spacebar. Each time you press it, the counter starts to count.
If you want to measure your speed, I suggest you run a timer before starting pressing the spacebar. The Restart button also allows you to reset the counting process.
We would recommend using your desktop or pc to participate in this challenge as per the rules set by the community.
Meanwhile, if you have an external keyboard to connect to your mobile device, you can participate in this challenge using your mobile.
Record a video of yourself playing this spacebar challenge and share it on TikTok. Moreover, you can take a screenshot of your score to share it on social media.
Furthermore, you guys can share your HPS scores and rank on social media from the pop-up screen right after completing the challenge.
Every week a new test appears on TikTok and it is always interesting to turn it around.
This week we see the problem of space, it sounds the same. People write themselves in an Internet quiz, where someone counts how many times they hit a computer in 30 seconds.
Depending on the quiz, some people try to hit a space 300 times in 30 seconds or 225 times in that time.